By Willo Boniface

International Best Selling Author

New Release!

Ignite Joy: Stories That Show Enriching Ways to Enlighten and Brighten Your Day

What's it about?
Filled with real-life stories from a diverse array of authors, Ignite Joy offers insightful wisdom and actionable steps to unlock the abundant joy that resides within you. Dr. Willo Boniface writes about her radical hysterectomy at the age of 34 and dedicates her story to any young mother facing her mortality. A powerful depiction of the pure joy and empowerment that can arise from the ultimate adversity and uncertainty. 

Ignite Joy went Best Seller on Amazon in 6 countries within 24 hours of release and continues to inspire people across the world. 

Stay tuned for exclusive signed copies coming soon

Coming Soon!

GLOW: An Invitation for The Modern Woman

What's it about?
This book represents the message that's on my heart and is intended to give The Modern Woman permission to glow and feel absolutely alive in amongst her busy, ambitious and beautifully messy life. I am currently pouring into this book so follow along on social media to watch it come to life. This book will be larger than life and a true invitation to come home to yourself. 

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By entering your details you’ll get access to an Advanced Reader Copy of the book when it is ready and a free membership to Glow Mail. Your privacy matters and your information is safe with me so I promise to never share your details. Also, thank you for your wonderful support. I appreciate you. Willo x