Inspiring 'Glowers'

Meet Phuong

Phuong is a single mum to two vibrant daughters and runs a successful business called Connect my Community which operates across Australia. She leads a growing team towards a beautiful vision. With a lot on her plate, Phuong came to me feeling overwhelmed. She wanted to feel like a successful business woman and by the time we finished, she felt it. She is humble, kind, and softly spoken, but make no mistake, she is a determined, ambitious woman who is here to make a real impact in the NDIS space, in her family life, and in her creative pursuits. Take a listen

Country: Australia

Meet Kati

Kati is a mid-career professional stepping into new leadership roles within her organisation. In this testimonial she reflects on how she holds herself and handles her work days now, compared to before we started working together. The level of self-leadership Kati displays and continues to pursue is inspiring and it is no surprise that leadership opportunities are coming to her. Her calm confidence, deep expertise, and her unwavering self-worth make a potent influential combination as a leader.

Country: Germany

She's Got Glow Program

Women from around the world have participated in our evidence-based Program and the results are life-changing.

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