Self-Leadership Programs for The Modern Woman

Our Mission: To Light Up the World with Glowing Women

Women from around the world consistently describe this as a life-changing experience for their career, life, relationships and parenting. With an evidence based coaching framework, a global network, and expert support, we empower women to expand personally and professionally. We embody the principles of self-leadership and the result is a radiant sustainable glow - the complete opposite of giving from an empty cup. At the end of our accelerated 8 week She's Got Glow program our 'glowers' confidently lead themselves  and never look back. 

Results Women Achieve from our She's Got Glow Program

Every woman leads herself differently and we hold space for her to flourish across all areas of her life. Take a look at the case studies and incredible transformations that take place in just 8 weeks.

What is Glowing? 

It's the positive energy a woman gives off when she is deeply happy. It is unique to her and rises from the depths of her emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing. Glowing is contagious which makes it extremely powerful for all women, and especially for our future female leaders.

Glowing allows us to feel:
- PRESENT, relaxed, and patient to enjoy the moments with the people that matter most
- HEALTHY, fit, and happy as we embrace health as a way of life
- FREE to live our life to our fullest potential
- ABUNDANT TIME and energy to do things for ourselves without the guilt
- CONFIDENT to move forward with clarity, purpose, and positivity
- PRIDE as we achieve success on our terms and come home to ourselves. 

Our Vision: Thriving Women, Everywhere!

When younger women, and our children, watch us to know how the modern women holds herself, they will see a generation of career women who are happy and glowing. They will see a healthy senior workforce that represents them and their future, and they will see women everywhere absolutely thriving in life, love, parenting, and leadership. They will never question what is possible for them because we will help them believe that anything is possible, by modeling it. 

We believe that this vision has the potential to bring peace to our hearts, homes, and humanity.

One Life. One Story. 

Let's make it a beauty!

If you're a woman ready to grab your life and career with two hands, the She's Got Glow program is for you. 

Our Impact: Global

Over the past 3 years we have lit up the lives of hundreds of women across the world and we are growing at a rapid rate. Each glower enjoys a more spacious and abundant life, and in turn, role models deep wellness for herself, her family, and the people around her. Once she is lit, it is her responsibility to lead the way, and this feels effortless.

We estimate that more than 1,000 glowers will join our programs in 2024. 

Subscribe to Glow Mail

Glow Mail is an inspirational and thought-provoking newsletter for modern women to Glow in their careers & life.
Our criteria: 
  • Takes <1 min to read
  • Is completely empowering
  • Adds to your fabulous Friday glow
  • Delivers THE BEST self-leadership value, and 
  • Is specifically designed to survive your unsubscribe rampage.
Sign up to receive a little packet of light in your inbox each Friday.
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